Apologia is proud to offer a 40% discount to those who serve in the military, on the mission field, and as full-time ministers. It is a privilege to support homeschoolers worldwide on a mission to learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.
If you were approved in 2024, your discount will be valid for one year from your date of approval.
You can apply now. Applications will be open from January to May 2025.
If you’re unsure if you qualify for the discount, please review the requirements and terms below.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service. We hope this discount is a blessing to you and your family!
Your discount means a lot to us, and we really appreciate the high quality and Biblical foundations of your curriculum. As we are attempting to raise our son in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, your curriculum is a piece of that. It is a comfort to have a curriculum that directs our son to follow the Lord, not the tainted, faulty, and always-changing analysis of man.
– Scott, Military Customer
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