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12th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Explore our 12th-grade homeschool curriculum, designed to continue students’ growth following 11th grade. Our Christian homeschool curriculum nurtures academic growth and achievement in students through independent learning with our self-paced courses. Apologia’s learning material integrates a biblical worldview that prepares students for future success.

Apologia’s 12th grade Christian homeschool curriculum supports different learning styles with a variety of resources, including textbooks, notebooks, audiobooks, and more. Our homeschool curriculum for 12th grade bring an enjoyable and enriching education for students while providing the tools they need to develop a lifelong love of learning.

In search of more grade-level resources? Discover our preschoolkindergartenelementarymiddle, and high school homeschool resources.



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Apologia's Homeschool Bootcamp Video Series

Homeschool Bootcamp

Navigating the Homeschool Adventure

Whether you’re just embarking on your homeschool journey or have been walking the path for many years, Apologia’s Homeschool Bootcamp is for you.

This FREE video series will help you navigate the homeschool journey with practical, down-to-earth guidance and wisdom gained from experienced homeschool parents on the path.

Sign Up for Homeschool Bootcamp